Factory Connection LLC
About Us
Factory Connection specializes in providing the latest fashion apparel for customers in small to medium size markets.
With more than 300 stores in 16 states and growing rapidly, Factory Connection is a destination shopping experience for many of our customers. Factory Connection offers a wide selection of brand name fashions for Juniors, Misses, Plus, Men’s and Young Men’s, along with accessories and shoes.
?Buying from the industry’s leading fashion manufacturers allows Factory Connection to offer name brand and specialty store fashions at prices that are 25% to 70% below regular retail. Because we ship new merchandise twice a week every week – sometimes based on special limited-quantity purchases – our customers know that frequent shopping pays big dividends. We provide the opportunity to find the latest fashions at the right price, offering a great shopping experience for small to mid-size communities.
?Our stores range from 2,500 to 7,500 square feet, with convenient locations that include downtown areas, strip centers and regional malls. Based in Alabama and with 1,300 total employees, Factory Connection operates from our corporate offices and 70,000 square-foot distribution center.

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