NC Communications Inc.
About Us
NC Communications is your premier provider of structured cabling solutions. We offer a complete service, which includes design, installation and maintenance. Furthermore, these solutions are offered for inside and outside plant installations. Whether your requirements are voice, data, or video, NC Communications is your first choice for network cabling installation.
NC Communications is dedicated to providing a high quality of service and expertise in comprehensive structured cabling and underground services. These systems are the foundation of vital business-to-business communications.
NC Communications, Inc. specializes in Structured Cabling Solutions for voice, data and video networks. Our solutions encompass premise distribution systems, outside plant installations and campus environments. Our services include the design, installation and maintenance of state-of-the-art cable plant infrastructures. As part of our engineering services, we provide a wide variety of support services from “red-line” as-builds to complete inside and outside plant campus designs using AutoCAD.